Tuesday 25 March 2014

Yam Cha Day

Hello, haven't been blogging for awhile now hehehe, so it's time for that now hehehe. So what I'm about to write now was actually bout last Saturday or Sunday, I can't really remember, see my memory so bad ahhaha old liao :( So what did I do that day? Thank you for asking ahahha, I no wait, WE had yam cha at this place called GOLD LEAF! I guess you can say that it is one of the best place in Melbourne for yam cha. They have quite a fair bit of varieties and I'll post a bit of the food we had that day.

Anyways, that was not the main part of why I wanted to write here, I know right, its fooooooddddddddddddddddddddd how can it not be the main thing here hahahaa. Okay, so what I found after yam cha while walking around the DFO(direct factory outlet) is....................an Australian souvenir hahahaha. Left you hanging there? hahaha. I saw a KANGAROO SCROTUM... hahahah it was so funny hahahaha :) The scrotum was actually made into a bottle opener hahaha. They also had a kangaroo back scratcher hehe... and their weirdest thing was that they had crocodile jerky.... thats like ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. But I wondered how does it taste like.

Just a small portion of what we had for yam cha, sorry but I didn't take everything hahahaha :)
but it was super duper yummy ahhaha

This is like some flyer thingy near yam cha

Look, crocodile jerky hahahaaha

The Kangaroo scrotum hahahahhahahahaa, too funny :)

The kangaroo feet scratcher

Me cappuccino :) slurp

Till next time :)

Well, I actually have nothing more to write about now hehehe, so bye for now hehe :)

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