Tuesday 20 May 2014


Hello, so I'm back after like about a month of not updating my blog

Anyways, I just felt like writing some stuff I guess, so why not just create this blog post :) So one day while I was doing my work, like my pre tutorial questions and my revision, and I had my movie on of course hahaham but I've been trying to cut down a lot dy. I think hahha, don't judge. Okay, so you know how some movies like changes characters from like maybe part 1 to part 2 right, I really really don't like that man, like ishhhh, why do you have to change the characters in them, they fit the movie just nicely hahahhaa. Changing them to me is like the biggest mistake ever man. Well that's my opinion on those movies I guess :)

Let me see now, what else do I wanna write, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Heheheheh hi again, so today is the 20th of May, I've delayed this post for so long ahhahaha. My bad, anyways, so what did I do today. hmmm I had like 4 hours of class today but is skipped the last lecture :P I know I shouldn't be doing that, but I just cant get what the lecturer is saying, maybe I'm just not used to how he speaks and his speed, whooosh he talks damn fast man hahahha. Furthermore, so I had like this chicken and char siew omelette on rice. it was my first try. trying to get like the perfect sauce, but I guess there's loads to improve on aahhahahah. I've recently been craving for sweet things

OMG, I've got such a sweet tooth hahahhha, I've been eating cookies (thanks to cammie's intro to them :)) and SNAKEsssssss ahahhaa. yummyyyyyyyyyyy, can't stop eating the, needa stopppp haahhaha.

Ohmy, you know what, I've been using hahas like crazy man. Need to stop that too hehe :) 
Now do I have anymore random updates!!! Think think think
I guess not, I'll post this now, till next time :)
sa yo na ra
Bye bye

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