Saturday, 22 February 2014

White Night

The White Night, supposedly the whitest night of the year in Melbourne which starts from 7pm till 7am the next day, how ironic, so much like the purge hahahhahaa. Anyways, this is the first time I attended this event and it was packed, like no joke. 
Before heading towards Federation Square, we had japanese ramen for dinner, yums, we had dinner at like 6 plus I think. Super early because they scared the restaurants would be pack when the event starts ahahah, and guess what, I got hungry around 11 hahahaa. Anyways, back to the white night, so it was soooooo pack that it literally had like 35 to 40 over thousand of people hahahhaa. And you know what, they projected lights into the sky and kids around were like, mommy, are those UFOs?!! It was hilarious, cute little kids, so innocent ahhaa. We started heading back after awhile and it took us like an hour just to get back, usually it takes bout like what, 30 mins! hahaha. The funniest thing was that when we got back, we did not have any keys into the apartment because we got separated from each other, and the keys were with the other group. Imagine the crowd. We had to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze through crowds of people, it was crazy man. Never had I seen this many people hahahaha, but it was a nice night, cool air with the skies being light up hahaha. The only thing that was missing was the company of some good nice hot fries hahhaha :) foodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
Okie, I'm gonna end here with a bit of pictures haha teehee. Oh oh, we also had hot chocolate after we finding out that we didn't had any keys hahahahha :) so thick and rich

 Look at the crowd, this is even before it got dark hahaha. And the streets were already this crowded. They even stop all trams to open up the road for people to walk hehe

Flinders Street Station hahahhahaha

 Hehehehe US. Ignore my messy hair ahhahahha :P

 Federation Square

Let the lights begin. See those lights shooting up into the night skies, those were the lights that formed circles above and the kids going UFOs hahhahahah :)

This is how Flinders station looks like when the lights and images are projected onto it



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