Tuesday 2 February 2016

Run Melbourne

Hey guys, so I participated in this run event called the "Run Melbourne" which they have like every year. So this is like my third time running in this events in my entire life, I did the city to sea run, that was only 5km and was my first run ever, and I had like the color run too, which was also 5km. However, this time I took on 10km at the Run Melbourne and it was awesome :)

Somehow, during this run, the first 5km felt a lot shorter than the 5km I had during my first run, awesome. But this time, we had to like run up and down hills, it was torture to run up the steep hills, but a breeze to run down the slopes hahahha :)

The Weather, hahhah we had like an awesome weather on that day (27/7/14), it was nice and sunny, not too cold and not too hot :) but it was a bit chilly at the start as we were just standing around waiting for he run to start.

During the run, I felt really good because it has been awhile since I really exercise and this 10k was a great way to get me back on track, especially after Launceston :) We ran like through the shrine of remembrance and to somewhere that I have no idea where ahhaha, than to one end of yarra river, across a very very long bridge and than followed by some zig zag and end back at the yarra river front :) Sorry if that's a bit confusing to read.

You know, I almost vomited during the run, it came halfway up my throat and nearly came out, but it went back down, the taste was so bad, you know how vomit taste like right, it was just ughhhh, but overall the run was good. I sprint like the last few hundred metres and passed the finishing line and was like totally out of energy. Than they gave us an apple with a bottle of water, the apple was so sweet and juicy :) just what I needed, but my legs were exhausted after that ahhaha. I'll definitely go for more in the near future :)

Anyways, this has been a long overdue post that I am gonna publish now hahaha, just to put it out there for those who are looking to start and get into running, I totally support you and when you get started, you will feel great, its different when you run in the gym causes you'll be staring at the same few the whole time. As for running outside, of course you run to different places but it also challenges you up those hills and it just feels great to run with fresh air and a partner or with a group of friends.

That's all for this post, see you on the next one :)
Live the adventure

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